Monday, March 1, 2010

Polyadenylation releases mRNA from RNA polymerase II in a process that is licensed by splicing

When transcription is coupled to pre-mRNA processing in HeLa nuclear extracts nascent transcripts become attached to RNA polymerase II during assembly of the cleavage/polyadenylation apparatus (CPA), and are not released even after cleavage at the poly(A) site. Here we show that these cleaved transcripts are anchored to the polymerase at their 3′ ends by the CPA or, when introns are present, by the larger 3′-terminal exon definition complex (EDC), which consists of splicing factors complexed with the CPA. Poly(A) addition releases the RNA from the polymerase when the RNA is anchored only by the CPA. When anchored by the EDC, poly(A) addition remains a requirement, but it triggers release only after being licensed by splicing. The process by which RNA must first be attached to the polymerase by the EDC, and then can only be released following dual inputs from splicing and polyadenylation, provides an obvious opportunity for surveillance as the RNA enters the transport pathway.

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